Say Yes!

To dearly loved
collage of people with Radiant book

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Radiant is the love story of Ethan and Eliana, an ancient Jewish couple and the love story of Jesus Christ, your groom.

silver cup and scroll

The Couple

The most eligible bachelor chose the least likely bride.

Follow Ethan and Eliana; an ancient Jewish couple as they initiate the betrothal and prepare for the marriage.

Learn about the Ketubah Marriage Covenant and see Jesus Ketubah Covenant with you.


photo of a hillside in Israel

The Place

David hid from Saul in the caves of Burgin Addulam, the home of the couple, Ethan and Eliana.


wedding invitation

The Invitation

When we are born again we become the Bride of Christ. Learn through Ethan and Eliana’s betrothal, what that means and how much you are loved by your groom, Jesus Christ.


The Refreshing 

Refresh your faith, joy and love as Christian rituals reveal your betrothal to Jesus Christ, your groom.

I found this study VERY interesting and captivating, especially all the historical background using the Jacob and Sarah story. This study has certainly helped me understand covenant relationship in a
fresh way.

I loved how you always applied it to the modern-day believer’s life. Thank you sooo much for sharing and basing your insight and wisdom on the Bible.

I got to your page started reading day one and fell in love with JESUS again . I am HIS and HIS alone. I just want to do thing that would keep me busy with HIM the LOVER of my soul.


 A friend of mine suggested this to me to accompany my 21 day fast. I enjoy reading, it really touch my heart and helped me to see and “feel“ what it means to be the Bride of Jesus.

Hi Celeste, this teaching has really given me a new and informed look at covenant once again, sometimes even the small things creep in to try to take you from doing what you are called to do. As a wife a mother and especially as a daughter of the King of Kings. Thank you, Sharon


Friend of the Groom – the Holy Spirit makes much more sense now. WOW. And thank you. Carmella



Especially impacting was the part about the price Jesus paid and how even though we are waiting for HIM to return, HE has already given us access to HIS kingdom. It is helping me to daily set my eyes on HIM and is deepening my love to HIM. Again, thank you for your time and sharing with me. Yours, Paloma


What a privilege…this love we have inside of us for Him!! This make us to bear with it and wait in obedience.


picture of bride taking communion
page from the Bible
jesus in the garden

Transform your communion experiencefrom duty to delight. The Final Yes! to your groom, Jesus Christ.

Experience baptism, your own, or someone you love in a new and meaningful way as you understand the betrothal baptism.

Receive the Contract Jesus provides in Isaiah 53 and implement it in your own life.

See when Jesus said “The Final Yes” as your groom and understand why He said “if possible take this cup from me.”

Say Yes to Dearly Loved

Say Yes!

And go from Duty to delight

The Author

Celeste Davis, internationally loved author, Wellness Coach and Biblical Health Mentor, is passionate about leading Christian women to love and care for themselves as they receive the love of their Savior, Jesus Christ.


picture of celeste and phil davis

Her first book, Wonderfully Well: How we lost 132 pounds and helped our bodies heal, is a Biblical health primer. Since becoming Wonderfully Well Davis has written dozens of e-books and wellness programs emphasizing each persons responsibility to partner with God’s created healing power. Celeste’s individual coaching helps women and their families world-wide choose, prepare and enjoy foods and lifestyle practices that promote health body, soul and spirit.

Instead, is a one-on-one marriage transformation mindset rooted in living a life of Honor. Instead helps women to walk in forgiveness instead of resentment and stand on the promises of 1 Peter 3:1-6. Joy returns as wives see their husbands “Won” by God and become “One” with their wives.

Celeste joyfully married her childhood sweetheart, Phil Davis in 1975. The Davises have two married children and two grandsons. They have enjoyed living in various cultures throughout the United States and are now experiencing life in Huatulco, Oaxaca, on the southern pacific coast of Mexico.


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Radiant, How to Live Dearly Loved as the Bride of Christ